Food and Drink Labeling: 5 Things You Have to Include to Ensure Your Product is Legal

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When labeling food and drink packaging, there is a list of legal requirements you must follow. If you fail to provide adequate information, you could face legal repercussions and risk having your product removed from shelves. Continue reading for some useful advice on all the food and drink packaging label requirements.

Sell by/Use by dates

The first thing to include on your packaging is a sell by/use by date. It’s evident why this is absolutely needed to ensure your product is fresh and safe for consumption. It’s key to note that these dates are different;a sell-by date is for retailers to inform them on when the product should be removed from the shelf. The use by date is for the customers to tell them when the product should be eaten. If you are looking for professional printing and case coding equipment, visit

Detailed Descriptions

All items need to have an accurate description. This must be printed clearly and can never be misleading or ambiguous. Labeling items with only a brand name does not meet legal requirements as that doesn’t specify what the product is. For example, a bag of Cheetos must be named as a “savory corn puff snack with cheese flavor.” This informs the consumers what is inside the packaging. Moreover, distracting pictures cannot replace written detail, so you’ll need to formulate a definitive description. You can find further details on this matter through Science Direct.

The Manufacturer’s Name and Address

On every package, you must include the manufacturer’s name and the address of the business. This is for legal purposes. The law around company requirements regarding name labels is made clear in the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act.

Ingredients and Calorie Content

Also, you must provide information about the calorie content and nutritional value in the item. Under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, this is essential when labeling food and drinks. Consumers need to know exactly what they are eating. See this useful guide on how to create a nutrition label.

Allergy and Choking Hazard Warnings

Many people across America struggle with food allergies. Around 28 million adults and 5.6 million children in America are diagnosed with them. This is why it’s crucial to include allergy warnings on every consumable. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America has some useful facts about food allergies.

Alongside allergy information, you may also want to include choking hazard warnings for children and those with swallowing difficulties.

If you follow these top tips when labeling your food packaging, you should meet the legal requirements and guarantee that you have provided the information needed to both retailers and customers. Remember to always pay attention to detail for 100% accuracy – this will ensure that you and your brand are always protected. If you want professional help to create your food and drink labels, there is a variety of companies available that can organize this for you.

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