5 Common Myths on Above Ground Pool Installation

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You must have heard some common stereotypes surrounding pool installation in Atlanta. There is one category that relates to conventional house pools. There is another unique case for Above-ground pools. When installing either one, people put in their suggestions and advice. The way to determine fact or concern from myth is through identification. On this note, we have devised a list of common myths which you are most likely to hear about above ground pools in Atlanta.

Above-Ground Pools are Extremely Costly

It is a prevalent misconception surrounding above ground pools. In reality, in-ground pools cost much more because they require digging, cementing, panelling, vinyl lining and filtration system pushing water on ground level dispersal. For an above-ground or on ground pool, a deck has to be set up. The deck does not take time for construction or extra physical labour compared to in-ground construction and installation.

They don’t Last Very Long

People think that Above-ground pools are temporary constructions. It is because they do not fall in line with our mental image of a traditional swimming pool. If you install your swimming pool through a trusted pool installation service in Atlanta, your deck isn’t going to last long and understandably so. You will have to maintain your pool quality to ensure that your pool lasts long. It is not impossible to think that it will withstand a 5-10 years time period.

Very Difficult to Maintain

People think of on-ground pools to be more challenging because of their unconventional structure or so it is believed. Since people are not familiar with these pools yet, especially in the south, they find themselves unable to think of an alternate. In reality, these pools are easier to maintain because the water pump for these pools is situated on the ground. You can find sump pumps in the backyard or the basement. This ease of access helps pool owners maintain their swimming pools better. Their main job is to check the pH level of the water, remove residue and do shock treatments to clean the water.

They look tacky

It isn’t wrong to say that above ground pools can look tacky but then again, so can in-ground pools if they aren’t built well. Pool companies in Atlanta like Sandals Luxury Pools offer custom designs on swimming pools with proper consultation to ensure that your choices have the right construct and are built in the classiest way possible. It goes to show that anything can look trashy if appropriate management is not implemented.

High Operating Cost

You will often hear that swimming pools cost a fortune to operate. People think this because most in-ground pools require electricity for their filtration plant, water supply and other facilities in the pool. As in-ground pools are an alternative to adequately constructed pools, they need less operating cost. Their structure allows the use of regular maintenance.

These are the five myths you will hear each time you consider installing an on ground unit in your backyard. Fear not, since now you can identify these commonly misconstrued “facts”.

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