Want to start you own company in college? Here are top 3 ideas for you.

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Takeaway: Is it good to start a company while being in college? This question strikes every student’s mind once in a while, but only a few manage to do so because it involves multiple risks and factors. We look through the famous startup stories in India and dream of becoming like one of those entrepreneurs!

The big names offer strong salaries and benefits almost always the target, usually set at Top Indian Companies’ level. For those interested in investing in a bank, the major banks in India. Many job portals in India offer recruitment in these firms off-campus.

With software engineering, tech giants from Infosys and HCL are waiting. While getting a job with one of these majors is a dream come true for some, the idea of ​​working in a world of unity is less appealing to some.

“Startup ideas” means you need to start something yourself.

Wanting to do a business job does not mean that you have to give up everything and start something yourself. Let’s face it, the chances of being the next Zuckerberg are slim, so maybe it’s best to gather some experience at the beginning that got its wheels down.

Top 3 Startup Ideas

1. Teaching

College is hard. However, there is always at least one lesson you go through naturally. Why not make a small investment by teaching a topic that you already know well?

Tips for starting a teaching business:

  • Let the professors who teach the subject you have chosen know that you can teach any of their students who need help.
  • You will not earn enough to retire through this business. Plan to gain more freedom, not your first million.
  • Fight and be clear about your plan. Work with the main appointments; keep “office hours” strong for your best customers.

2. Photography/Videography

Kristen Faulkner started her photography business as a college senior. When you take pictures of fun things and start as just fun for him, it became a small business naturally since it grew up.

Tips for starting a photography business:

  • Take great photos, post them on social media, and consistently let your fans know they’re available for hire.
  • Focus on producing more content and growing your community. The more eyes you have on your photos, the more business opportunities come to you.
  • Never be satisfied with your current skill set or experience.

3. Businesses based on products.

Of all the types of businesses you can start in college, developing and selling a product can be very difficult. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t succeed in this type of business. If you see the need and see the potential, you can build a product based on the product.

Take Metric Longboards, for example. The company was started by an engineering student and a marketing student. They see the need – broken college students need an easy way out – and offer their solution through their opportunities.

Tips for starting a product-based business:

  • Don’t go alone! Having a business partner greatly increases your chances of success.
  • Get a mentor. Going to someone to ask questions or using ideas also increases your chances of success.
  • Use any school resources for entrepreneurs, such as workplaces and incubator programs, or even other students.

So, what is stopping you from starting your own company now? Go ahead!

I have 22 Year experience in website development, blogging, Seo, Link building. Digital Mareting Expert Certified By Hubspot Academy. Social Media Marketing Expert Certifed by Hubspot Academy. Google Adword Certifed Expert.

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