Best Possible Ways to Restrict the Third Wave of Pandemic

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Innovations accelerated via IoT automation are remarkably helping to eradicate the widespread COVID-19 pandemic. The opportunities which have been imagined only a few years back are now seen. The year 2020 will always be remembered as the COVID year and how the adoption of technology and humanity has put forth the new context of technology innovations.

Devastating Consequences of COVID-19

COVID-19 outbreak has immensely disturbed the entire ecosystem. Numerous substantial changes have been enforced in governmental policies, priorities, and daily routines of individuals, etc. COVID-19 is excessively contagious, getting transmitted from human to human, which must be restricted as early as possible to limit casualties.

The COVID-19 outbreak globally has been divided into four prominent stages by the World Health Organization (WHO).

IoT acting as a catalyst to combat the pandemic

IoT is promisingly catering to large benefits to serve the domain of pandemics. As the first wave of COVID hit globally, numerous organizations instantly adopted tech transformation strategies to facilitate remote working criteria.

In combination with IoT artificial intelligence, blockchain and next-generation communication networks like 5G readily provide very efficient services to experience better remote health monitoring and automation facilities. IoT jobs are consistently helping to provide revolutionary methods to fight the outbreak of COVID-19.

Social distancing

IoT devices behave as the ammunition source to fight against pandemics to sustain social distancing and self-quarantine strategies. The use of smart thermometers and other smart wearables are helping health care workers to maintain distance from the infected patients. Even the education system has also hired online education sessions to complete the academic sessions of aspiring students.

Medical aid

IoT wearables efficiently monitor and transmit health information to the desired practitioners, and suitable medications can be tracked remotely. Physicians can easily evaluate and diagnose the treatment without getting in contact with the infected patient.

Spread among masses

Numerous routine activities such as crowd surveillance, public declarations, screen masses, spraying off disinfectants, proper medicines, and various essentials with the least human intervention are carried out with the help of drones. Moreover, these drones are controlled devices of IoT.

Smart health monitoring

Automated robots are getting used to provide medical assistance and decreasing the stress found in abundance in healthcare workers. The combination of numerous smart medical wearables with IoT can build personalized health charts, remote monitoring of patients, etc.

This stimulates an alarm to record vital measurements; remote visits and consultations with physicians can be arranged. Also, if necessary remote surgeries are as well performed with the idea of maintaining social distancing.

Generating alerts

Geographic information system GIS is helping extensively in comprehending the root origin of the outbreak, and accurately tracking high-risk areas. Bluetooth is implemented for contact tracing, and GPS efficiently monitors real-time and historical red zones of COVID-19.

Four Essential Skills for IoT Professionals

No matter whether you are a hardware-oriented person or prefer the programming side of IoT, being familiar with a variety of skills is crucial to your success. Each role in the IoT industry will require mastery and application of specific skills. However, the following information can be helpful to build a solid foundation for your career.

1) Embedded Software Development

These processors include the software required to communicate between devices as well as the firmware to allow sensors and actuators to work correctly. C and C++ are two of the most popular development languages. Students at Northeastern also use Raspberry Pi to improve their skills.

O’Reilly states that students who do not have a bachelor’s degree in engineering or in computer science but have basic programming skills can pick up the basics of Northeastern’s cyber-physical systems program quickly.

2) Networking

IoT professionals are responsible for the design and management of these networks. IoT networks are often complex due to a large number of connected devices. Each network design decision will be affected by the many standards, protocols and technologies that can be used to support them. Professionals can be distinguished by a thorough understanding of all these aspects, as well as design and wireless security.

3) Data and Artificial Intelligence

AI is used to help devices respond to data and identify patterns and anomalies. It can also be used to filter out or discard unimportant data. A strong foundation in AI programming is essential to improve the IoT’s ability to work with AI. O’Reilly points out that although this knowledge is not necessary for most IoT roles it can be beneficial to have some basic knowledge of AI.

4) Software Skills

Programming skills and coding are essential for all positions that involve software. O’Reilly says that you will be able to work in IoT if you are proficient with Java, C++ and other basic coding languages.

Final thoughts

For combating this deadly pandemic, priorities are given globally to IT infrastructure, cybersecurity defences, technology strategies. Countries are spending great funds in providing IoT services worldwide to avoid repeated horrific consequences of the pandemic.

IoT careers provide complete support to the healthcare industry by providing technology-based temperature monitoring with the help of thermometer guns and similar infrared body temperature scanning’s which can be easily performed by maintaining an optimum distance from the victim.

Moreover, now it is very clear that telehealth technologies have demonstrated their benefits since they are very cost-effective and can be used extensively to slow down the spread of the COVID-19 virus. In cooperation with

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