5 Ways to Ensure Big Traffic for Your Blogs

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5 Ways to Ensure Big Traffic for Your Blogs


Blogs are a great way to get a continuous stream of traffic to your website. In fact, according to HubSpot, businesses that invest actively in blogs see a 13 times hike in their return to investment than firms who do not have a blog section. But however obvious the importance of blogs may seem, gathering that initial stream of traffic is always the difficult part. Without the support of an expert digital marketing agency, it may take more than a year just to get even 100 visitors. The subscribers’ list will be thin, and engagement will be low.

No one wants such a subdued start on their blog page. Everyone wants blog big traffic to grow.

With the right SEO strategy and expert digital techniques it is easily possible to increase your visitors’ number 100% in a matter of months. The secret to it lies in precise strategies rather than spending huge amounts in marketing. The top agencies employ the following ways to ensure larger blog traffic which, as obvious, combines different channels of digital marketing rather than focusing on just one.

5 Ways to Ensure Big Traffic for Your Blogs :


1.  Write both evergreen and viral posts

Most corporations tend to focus on just one. Either they create long-form evergreen posts that can connect to readers of any generation at any time. Or, they simply dive into the world of viral articles where shareable content creation is the top priority. However, both are winning strategies. Both have their advantages of bringing home big traffic. The content strategy should include evergreen and viral topics to take advantage of ardent readers and the current craze that is keeping the market hooked.

2.  Long-tail keywords are a must

Search phrases across all search engines have become longer. Instead of searching for “best Indian restaurants”, people are increasingly searching for “best restaurants with Indian cuisine” to narrow down the results. Such long-tail keywords are opportunities for blogs to target and rank as the lack of popularity makes the results less crowded. Google Keyword Planner or any other keyword generator can spew a host of long-tails that you can infuse in your blog to tap into the current crop of search engine visitors. Making each write-up SEO friendly is the key to draw big traffic.

3.  Email marketing is still the winner

Yes, people still subscribe to email lists and like getting information about new posts directly in their inboxes. For every $1 spent behind email marketing, Oberlo says that businesses can gain back $32 in return. So, create a valuable blog and give your visitors the option to subscribe to your email list. There is an option for free email marketing but they do not give you guaranteed to reach your audience or increase CTR. That’s why we should hire an expert or digital marketing agency to manage this list where your visitors can get targeted messages along with your blog updates. The resulting CTR will soon touch the sky and your blog traffic will overwhelm you.

4.  Listen closely to your readers

The above tactics will get you your coveted traffic but keeping them is an essential part of the journey as well. This is where you need to start listening to your audience, pay close attention to their engagement and change your blog’s structuring to keep them hooked to your website. The top digital marketing agency employs tools like Kissmetrics and Google Analytics to receive engagement analytics. Accordingly, they change the formatting to make the blogs shareable, readable, and more. Use analytics to listen to your readers and keep the numbers growing.

5.  Optimize For Speed and Mobile and keep the website user friendly

People will not wait around for your blog to load. If the page isn’t loading up, they will simply hit the back button and move on to the next Google listing.Also, the website needs to be user friendly and easy to navigate. Nobody likes spending time finding the next blog or looking into a heap of ads. Clear and good content and easy navigation easily attract audience without knowing digital marketing tricks but if you don’t know then you should get a digital marketing agency capable of revamping the site and match it up to the best Google speed score.

Other than these one must ignore the power social media shares, WordPress plugins designed to help bloggers with SEO, and crafting kickass headlines to attract traffic and grow.

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I have 22 Year experience in website development, blogging, Seo, Link building. Digital Mareting Expert Certified By Hubspot Academy. Social Media Marketing Expert Certifed by Hubspot Academy. Google Adword Certifed Expert.

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